How To Sell Kindle Books And Be A Self Publisher

Everybody writes for an audience, even diary authors, who are their own audience. A letter writer might write for an audience of one, an organization writer might write of an audience of thousands or more, if they are lucky, and the Stephen Kings of the world compose for millions. Despite audience size, authors want readers to read what they have c

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Composing For Kids - Do You Have What It Takes?

My recent writing concentrates on recovery, grief and loss. Last weekend I autographed books at a national bereavement conference in Minneapolis-St. Paul. The traffic in the bookstore was consistent, at times, packed. Speakers' books, consisting of numerous of mine, were shown on a special table.The something that I have actually discovered through

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The Process Of Writing Romance Books Now

Writing about romance is about connecting with the deep human emotions that readers connect to. There is something so unique about reading an excellent romance story that you connect to, and it is a lot of peoples favourite of the genres of books due to all of the sensations that are stimulated. If you are a fan of a romantic story, then you may h

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